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You have agreed to the following terms and conditions by submitting your abstract.
By submitting an abstract you agree to give us permission on behalf of all presenters if it is accepted for presentation, to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the abstract (submitted text only), together with author names, and biographies where supplied in different formats including print, electronic and digital forms The author must ensure that the abstract is accurate and that the content is fully original and does not violate any copyright laws.
All authors have expressed their consent to the submitting author to present and publish (e.g. Conference website, programs and other conference promotion materials. Only one of the authors can present the same paper.
The work does not infringe on any copyrights, property rights of others including licenses and it is free from plagiarism. For inclusion of figures, tables, animations or text quotations from copyrighted works (including websites), necessary permission has been obtained from the copyright holder(s) by the submitting author.
All submissions should be a new submission and not repeated presentation from any previous Saudi ORL conferences. This includes all submissions types.
The submitting author is the presenting author. Only one presenting author is allowed per paper and included in the agenda as presenter.
The submitting/presenting author must notify the organizing committee thru email at least 2 months before the conference if he/she cannot present or a presenting author is being replaced.
All authors presenting at the conference must register and pay to attend the conference a week after the acceptance or at least 1 month before the conference. If the presenting author is not registered, the abstract will be withdrawn.
If you are an active Saudi ORL member ONLY by the time you submit your abstract you will got the privileges of Saudi ORL member which includes free registration, ticket fees to and form the Confrence on economy class of any airlines, with free accommodation in the hotel of the Confrence or any hotel assigned by the organizing team as agreed with SORL.*
Your abstract must be accepted as an oral presentation, round table or panel discussion or any other formate except poster presentation to get the SORL member privileges.
All speakers must utilize the conference's official powerpoint template, and no commercial information or logos are allowed on any of the slides.
You grant us permission to take pictures of your presentation so we can post them on the conference and society website.
A committee will review the abstracts, and the scientific committee will determine the final decision. The quality of the content submitted is used to evaluate the abstract.
Approval of an abstract does not entail payment of any fees for travel, lodging, or conference registration, as well as any other fees for the preparation or presentation of the abstract or for attending the conference.
If your abstract includes content that is the property of a third party, you have obtained that party's valid permission to include that content in your abstract and to allow it to be used. You will let us know as soon as any such permission is revoked or expires for any reason.
By submittint your photo, you allow the conference committee consent to use it as needed on the website, in the conference brochuse, and in the other conference materials.
I am aware that the competition for residents and fellows does not take case reports, systematic reviews, or meta analysis.