abstract guidelines submission

Welcome to the abstract / paper online submission form for the 39th SORL Jeddah International Conference 2025

13 Pan Asian Academy
of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery’s Annual Conference.

Before sending your abstract or paper, please download the SECB (Saudi Exhibitions and Form) and complete it.

Prepare the documents that you’ll be including with your submission.

  • CV
  • Passport – for international speakers
  • Passport size photo – preferably with plain background and with high resolution
  • Biography
  • SECB form

Type of Presentations:

  • Free Paper
  • Keynote
  • Instructional Course
  • Workshop
  • Panel Discussion
  • Round Table
  • Symposium
  • How I do it?
  • Debate
  • Resident’s Competition
  • Fellow’s Competition
  • Student’s competition
  • Digital poster

Abstract Subspecialties

  • Audiology
  • Equilibrium
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Head & Neck Surgery
  • Hearing Implant Solutions
  • Humanitarian
  • Laryngology
  • Otology
  • Pediatrics
  • Phoniatrics
  • Rhinology
  • Sleep Medicine


  1. All presentations must be submitted through this website. Emailed or faxed papers will not beconsidered.
  2. Submitted abstracts are reviewed according to its sub-specialty. The committee may recommend a different subspecialty for the paper where he/she finds it most suitable.
  3. Presenting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content before submission.
  4. All abstracts must be submitted in clear English form.We accept submissions in Arabic for non-English speaking candidates. Please note it in the body of your submission before the Title .
  5. All accepted presentations titles will be published in the conference website prior to the conference.
  6. You may submit more than 1 abstract.
  7. Abstract title must be brief and concise with a maximum of 15 words.
  8. The abstract text should have a maximum of 250 words only.
  9. An acceptance notification will be sent to the registered email of the submitting author/presenter.
  10. Non members of the Saudi ORL Society are required to register within a week after receiving the acceptance notification via email.
  11. All submissions should be a new submission and not repeated presentation from any previous Saudi ORL conferences. This includes all submissions types.
  12. Make sure you receive an email confirmation of your submission. Otherwise, your submission is not successfully submitted.


  1. This competition is open for GCC residents only.
  2. The residents and fellows competition are two different categories.
  3. One competition paper for every participant is allowed.
  4. A participant can submit 1 paper for competition and several papers for oral presentation.
  5. The same individual who submitted the paper during the submission period should also present it. After the paper has been accepted and confirmed, no replacement will be accepted. The speaker cannot be substituted if he or she is not present for the event. The paper will be eliminated from the competition as a result.
  6. All papers are subject to scientific committee approval.
  7. If you submit an abstract only, you will miss 30% of your score. Submit a full text article to get a score out of 100%.
  8. When submitting, please ensure that you choose ‘ Resident’s Competition’ or ‘ Fellow’s Competition’ in the submission form to be listed as such.
  9. Competition for Student’s, resident’s and fellow's does not take case reports, systematic reviews, or meta analysis.


Among the medical students who presented, the committee will choose the top 5 medical students. The criteria are as follows.

  1. The paper must be submitted with the abstract submission period.
  2. Is a student submitted more than 1 presentation, only 1 paper shall be included in the judging.
  3. A student can submit any subspecialty.
  4. The same individual who submitted the paper during the submission period should also present it. After the paper has been accepted and confirmed, no replacement will be accepted. The speaker cannot be substituted if he or she is not present for the event. The paper will be eliminated from the competition as a result.
  5. All papers are subject to scientific committee approval.
  6. When creating your profile for the abstract submission, make sure to add under job title “student” to be included in the judging.


During abstract submission, you will be ask to declare the following:

  1. Confirm that all information and content of the submitted paper is correct.
  2. All authors have expressed their consent to the submitting author to publish (e.g. Conference website, programs and other conference promotion materials.
  3. The work does not infringe on any copyrights, property rights of others including licences and it is free from plagiarism. For inclusion of figures, tables, animations or text quotations from copyrighted works (including websites), necessary permission has been obtained from the copyright holder(s) by the submitting author.